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Friday 15 December 2017



Thumbai is a small plant that grows wildly in abundance. It's botanical name is Leucas Aspera and it is found all over India extensively. It is called dronapushpi in Sanskrit, darunaphula in Bengali, goma madhupati in Hindi and Kubo in Sindhi. You can spot thumbai easily because of it's beautiful white flowers and it is also the best way to identify this plant. Both the flowers and leaves are used in home remedies. Here in Tamil Nadu, you can easily get thumbai plant, if you visit any village.

In our village side thumbai is used extensively in home remedies and we use it for cooking too. This plant is the best medicine for insect bites and it is even used for treating snake bites! Thumbai  juice is given to the patient who is bitten by a snake and the juice is also rubbed on the bitten area and this is done once every 30 minutes. This treatment is still carried on in many villages, but it is best done under the supervision of an experienced person. 

Since this plant is found very commonly in our village, if anyone gets bitten by small insects, they just collect the leaves and rub it on a stone to get a paste and then apply on the affected area. Usually the pain will subside very quickly and with regular application the pain will be completely gone.

If it is caused due to infection, thumbai oil will treat it very effectively. I have to mention this plants effect on skin diseases. If you are suffering from any skin diseases that causes intense itching and hardening of the skin, try applying the crushed thumbai leaves on that area. With regular use, you will get good relief. Consuming the juice along with the external application will speed up the healing process....

www.tmpooja online

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